picture contributing to HIV / tHIV infection throughout the human body

picture contributing to HIV / tHIV infection throughout the human body
The infection through the body

Friday, October 28, 2011

CDC and other actions that help prevent HIV or Stop the spread of HIV

As a part of its overall public health mission, the CDC provides leadership in helping control the HIV/AIDS epidemic. These activities are critically important because CDC estimates that about 1.1 million Americans are living with HIV. 1.1 million Americans are living with HIV, and 21% of these people/patients do not know they are infected. Programs like the CDC do the following by working with community, state, national, and international partners in surveillance, research, and prevention and evaluation activities.

Thursday, October 27, 2011



Case study

There was a man named Devon. He was an African American male, and he worked as a doctor at Magee Woman’s Hospital. He went by the name Dr. Askew, he had a wife named Myrriah and three daughters named Nataisha, Alliyah, and Monyette. His wife worked as a lawyer for the department of criminal justice downtown for the prisoners in the county jail. He had a nice family, and a big house with three cars Mercedes Benz, a Phantom, and a Camaro. His wife was faithful to him she loved nobody or even looked at anybody except for him. Dr. Askew on the other hand had a tendency for cheating on her with the nurses in his department at the hospital. He slept with up to ten woman nurses in the department and two male nurses every other two weeks. Meanwhile his wife went to work, picked the kids up at daycare, and cooked. She held the family down. She was a great mother and wife. Dr. Askew was a great parent as well but, he was just making poor decisions by cheating on his wife. One day when he was at work he slept with a nurse in the department named Lanae, but after he slept with her something just wasn’t right. He felt bad and started missing his family. So he went to his wife and children that night and hugged them all and told them all he loved them. His wife was confused, but she thought it was sweet of him to do that. The next day Dr. Askew saw nurse Lanae and didn’t say anything to her he just walk past her and avoided all contact. From that day on he realized how much he loved his wife, and never wanted to cheat on her again or have any more affairs. Five years later Dr. Askew and his wife decided they wanted to have another child. His wife Myrriah got pregnant a month later. They were so excited about the baby, but about a week later Dr. Askew started having dry coughs, rapid weight loss, and red and purple blotches in his mouth. The next day during his lunch break he went to see a doctor in another department that specialized in diseases. The doctor tested him and he found out he had HIV. He was so surprised and upset he cried home to his wife and told her. She was so upset and disappointed she punched him in his face then went to bed. The next day she went back to her doctor to get checked for HIV and the doctor told her she as well had earliy symptoms of HIV. She was so mad she came home demanding for a divorce.  She didn’t talk to him for 8 months and 2 weeks when the baby was born. The only reason she did decide to talk to him was for the sake of there new baby girl named Nasia. They accepted that they had HIV and had to live on with it knowing nothing about the disease what so ever.  When there baby was two months old his wife was breast feeding her at the time, baby Nasia became sick. They took her to the hospital and they doctor said there new born baby had earliy symptoms of HIV. Myrriah was so appalled and depressed she felt as if her whole family was being put to an end. She also blamed herself for not researching the disease and finding out more about it so that her baby wouldn’t get it, but she was so busy with work she never had a chance. 30 years later Dr. Askew had passed from HIV along with his wife Myrriah and his youngest baby Nasia she died of HIV. They only people left of there family where the three daughters and a will with about 1 million dollars left to each of them and the big house with the cars.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Areas were HIV occurs or might occur next

HIV occurs in the immune system of the body which causes damage. HIV is a constant so there are no outbreaks of it. If a outbreak would occur it would probably be in a poor country or an area that is known for getting disease or in a hospital where diseases are easily spread.

Symptoms and if Treatments of HIV

The symptoms of HIV are :
  1. Rapid weight loss
  2. Dry coughs
  3. Recurring fever or profuse night sweats
  4. Profound and unexplained fatigue
  5. Swollen lymph glands in armpits, groin, or neck
  6. Diarrhea that lasts for more than a week
  7. White spots or unusual blemishes on the tongue, in the mouth, or in the throat Pneumonia
  8. Red, brown, pink, pr purplish blotches, on or under the skin or inside the mouth, nose or eyelids.
A medicine that is used to treat HIV is called Aziodothymidine.

History of HIV

HIV was discovered in 1981, in 1983 HIV appeared to be caused by AIDS. In 1983, the HIV virus was found to be the cause of AIDS. HIV was found in five gay men in Los Angeles California, HIV is also known to have jumped species from non-human primates to human primates.  Also in 1987 a drug called azidothymidine was discovered which slowed down  HIV and helped the death rate reduce from 80% and raised the life expectancy for newly diagnosed infected people in bewteen ages 20-50 years. As of 2006, HIV had killed about 25 million people since 1981.

Discription and Causes of HIV

HIV is described as a disease that is fatal but doesnt kill you soon, but everybody that has it will eventually die with it they will live there whole life with it because there is no cure for HIV that has yet been discovered. HIV doesn't start developing or showing symptoms until 5-10 years after you get it it takes a while to kick in. The "invading" HIV virus goes on the attack and target specific blood cells called CD4 or T-helper cells. CD4 cells are crucial to your body's defense system. If they are compromised or destroyed, the body is left unable to protect itself from disease. HIV occurs in the immune system which causes them to be damaged. the causes of HIV are dirty or used needles, direct contact, blood transfusions, bodily fluids, blood & secretion, and sexual contact. Those are the causes of HIV and contributing ways to get HIV.